Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sparrow Tattoo

What does a Sparrow Tattoo mean?Sparrows can mean: eternity, luck, and innocence. Sparrows can travel great distances, but always return home.The sparrow is an inconspicuous small bird, buff and brown, it flits from here to there in the company of other sparrows, free to take flight as and when it pleases.These Sparrow Tattoos are typically worn somewhere on the hands, wrists...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Secrets of Tribal Tattoo Art

Although today many choose to adorn their body with tattoos meaningful to them, the history of tattoo is somewhat different: Tribal tattoo art, which was the main kind of tattoos in ancient times, was meaningful to the entire tribe, and the choice of what tattoo each person will get was not his own but that of the tattoo artist. Tribal tattoo are usually black or dark blue. The ink is made from burned wood or from vegetable carbon. At the beginning, tattoos symbolized fertility, life and other things that were important to the tribe. One such thing...

Tattoo design

If you like tattoos so much or you're currently considering of getting your first one or new one, and you're out of inspiration of what is going to be putted, then you've come to the right place. Tattoos are very personal to someone, since it will forever attach to one's skin. And that makes choosing tattoos are difficult.. No one wants to make mistake choosing the wrong tattoo that will forever be attached to theirs, might regret them on having them at the first place. That's what makes it so difficult to pick one, especially to those who wants...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Learn The Body Art Basics With Top Tattooing Tips

Getting a tattoo is a big decision. For many, it's an expression of self. For others, it's a way to show permanent membership in something bigger than themselves - a club, a military organization, fraternity and so on. The reasons for getting a tattoo are as varied as the kinds of tattoos available themselves. From cultural requirements to personal choice, body art can say a lot.Here are some of the top concerns people face as they make the decision to get a tattoo or learn to care for one after it's done:Why get a tattoo?Many people view the body...

Sleeve Tattoo Designs

The Sleeve tattoos are becoming increasingly popular amongst men these days and is probably due to the increasing number of celebrity males getting this sort of ink done. A sleeve tattoo can be described as a tattoo which wraps around the upper part of the arm from shoulder to elbow. This is some times referred to as a half-sleeve tattoo while a tattoo which wraps around the arm and extends all the way down to the wrist is known as a full sleeve tattoo. If the tattoo starts from the elbow area to the wrist then this is called a quarter sleeve tattoo.These...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Find the Tattoo You Want With Disegni Tatuaggi

Whether you want a particular tattoo, or whether you need inspiration for your future tattoo, you will be delighted to know that with the help of tattoo flash, you can not only look through hundreds of tattoos in order to find the perfect one for you, but also the artist can copy the disegni tatuaggi you want directly on your skin, so that it is the reflection of your thoughts.In the past, the artist designed the tattoo flash, and they exposed it afterwards so that the clients could pick the tattoo they wanted. There was also the possibility for...